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/ Celestin Apprentice 4 / Apprentice-Release4.iso / Languages / Mops 2.7 / Mops Manual / Part II.srd / Part II.srd.rsrc / PICT_26.png < prev    next >
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OCR: 11-22 Mops General Reference EVENTLOOP BEGIN next: fevent AGAIN FEvent our one -off obj ect of class Event The next: me thod ma kes the sy Wa. .tNext Event wh. .ch returns to the program when an event C ready The ne executes the appropr iate action handler whi .ch Mops has set up for this kind usually lead to message being sent to some object in your rog The grDemo source file exp lained in the Tutorial) provi ides imple exampl Mac appli .ca t j ion, and is worth exami ining rather closely for che manner wh user commun icate with each other Apple events Mops is "System 7 friendly" Among other things this means that it recognises Apple events which are described in Inside Macintosh, volume VI. Mops handles the core" Apple events: OpenApplication OpenDocuments, PrintDocuments and QuitApplica ...